What are the applications of formaldehyde-free environmental glass wool board?Must have been a lot of people want to know, what good is a formaldehyde-free glass wool board, compared with other kinds of formaldehyde-free glass wool, such as tubular glass
What is formaldehyde-free glass wool insulation board?How does it hold heat and absorb sound?Compared with ordinary glass wool board what advantages?The above problem is more people ask, but also just in contact with the building insulation material indus
Can I use glass wool indoors?Believe that this is a lot of people are decorating bridal chamber, transform the old house, are likely to be some questions, want to use but can't use again, this is a lot of people started to use glass wool, because the
What color is formaldehyde-free centrifugal glass wool?Centrifugal glass wool and formaldehyde-free glass wool can be intuitively distinguished by color. The former one is mainly yellow, and the latter is mainly white. Formaldehyde-free centrifugal glass
Does glass wool have environmental protection formaldehyde-free?I believe that there are many new contacts with thermal insulation materials will have this kind of question, this is very normal, thermal insulation material types and complete, even if enga
Formaldehyde-free glass wool is made of natural minerals such as quartz sand, dolomite, borax and other inorganic materials, in accordance with the specific environmental protection process formula proportion requirements of mixing, after high temperature
Is it rock wool?Glass wool and rock wool are two different materials, first of all from their production of raw materials and material structure, performance and use of these three aspects, you can get the similarities and differences of glass wool roll f
Glass cotton felt is baidu search heat ranking higher product words, you can see that in many glass cotton products, glass cotton felt demand and use is more, it also shows that the amount of glass cotton felt, it is necessary to talk about glass cotton f
There are many kinds of insulation materials in the market. On the one hand, we can see that the market of insulation materials is large, on the other hand, it also brings chaos to the personnel who want to purchase insulation materials and the practition
Glass wool is inorganic glass cotton fiber material, with high quality glass as raw material, fused into fiber shape, and then with binder to shape, and made by advanced technology.Due to the special material structure, the internal fiber is interlaced wi
Glass wool insulation materials, plus is the glass fiber materials, by adjusting the glass and mineral inorganic raw materials formula, binder content and size of glass wool can be customized, also is the bulk density (density) can be customized, high den